Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 199!

The kids, Grandma and I have arrived in Crosshaven and checked out the marina today. All is well and we are anxiously waiting for their arrival. I don't think the kids and Grandma can do anything else until they arrive. I still want to go drive around Dingle but was finally voted down after I suffered a little of the Irish Revenge (Food Poisoning) last night. Driving here to Crosshaven, through the City of Cork, was about all I could manage today. Now that we are here, there is no way I'm getting anyone to leave until the boat arrives. Bob asked if we could get photos from Kinsale but we had word that it is all private property and we would not be able to get that close. We will try, however, at the mouth of the harbor which is not too far from here, presuming they make it before dark tomorrow.
We have taken up residency at a little hotel about five minute walk from the marina. There is a restaurant here and internet, all are happy.

Hi Everyone,

Land is about 70 miles away now but we can't see it yet.  It is a beautiful day though with lots of sun but quite calm.  We are struggling to be patient.  Floundering around with sails flapping, moving at 3.5 kts is not conducive to relaxation though...especially with two Bobs who have been in such close proximity for so long.  It will be a wonder if we are both on the boat when it arrives.  The old bastard isn't as strong as he used to be but he is cunning and persistent 

Finished the bacon and pancake mix and syrup this morning.  Still have two giant sweet potatoes that we haven't touched.  Grandpa says they make him puke.  I am thinking of slipping some in his macaroni and cheese to find out.

We are seeing some oil rigs in the distance and we are starting to hear the Irish coast guard on the radio.  Lots of new bird species.  No whales or dolphins though.  The nights are getting very short thankfully.  The sun sets after 10 and we can see it getting light in the east by 2:30 AM.  We now have a moon as well so if it isn't raining we nearly have light 24 hrs.

We ran the diesel a few hours last night to charge the batteries and position the boat a bit to the south to try and get a better wind angle.  I will run the Honda generator this afternoon to save diesel.  We aren't getting any wind generator electricity production now and Otto still uses lots for steering even when it is calm.  Had a terrible noise in the steering system.  I tightened some stuff and lubricated some other stuff and it is better now....nothing serious.

If we can get any kind of wind soon I should be able to get us in late tomorrow night but it is feeling like Friday morning is more realistic.  Too early to know for sure.

We are hoping to be able to sneak in for a picture of Fastnet Rock and light house.  We also might be able to sail in by shore at the "Old Head of Kinsale".  If we can do it during daylight Kim and Grandma and the kids might be able to drive out and get pictures of us.  With my luck we will pass it at midnight.  We will also have tidal currents to contend with.  Trying to clean the boat up a bit but our hearts aren't in it.  We really just need to start from one end and take it all apart and work our way through.

Need to get the flags out and figure out the customs and immigration crap...nothing worse for me.

We even have the local weather report on the radio as well.  Mostly they say "expect rain and drizzle in this area with heavier rain and drizzle elsewhere".

Ugh! The wind is really dying now and big swells are coming in.  Going to have to take the sails down before the whole rig crashes down around us. 


Until tomorrow.


Bob and Bob

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