As we wind down our time here in the Bahamas we are trying
to get in every last bit of exploration possible and soak up as much warm
sunshine as we can. However, we can’t
help but start thinking about what is next. We are both beginning to make lists
while Finn and Anna pack and unpack their suitcases, preparing for the trip
back to New Hampshire with my Mom and Dad. They are very excited to be
returning to the Farm where they will wait while the boat is moved about,
meeting it again in Ireland this summer. Plans include gardening, plays, baby animals
and visits with friends.
We have experienced some unsettled weather here in the
‘north’, the northern Bahamas. We have been having fun but not swimming quite
as often as we did before. We did meet some new friends and some old and we all
continue to learn. Many of the boats here in the Bahamas blow a conch horn at
sunset. Anna was inspired by the Amicus II kids to make a conch horn and after
finding two conchs and fussing with the small, stubborn and stinky animal
inside, we combed the beaches for some undamaged, and no longer inhabited, shells.
We are all learning how to say good evening to the sunset.

Bob has rigged a swing from an old ski rope and the main halyard
and both kids have spent hours swinging and experimenting. Our explorations
continue and we find exciting things daily. Star fish and sea slugs still hold
our attention and sharks and sea turtles are always an exciting find. We spotted a number of turtles in shallow water yesterday. We
visited the east side of Manjack Cay, a wild and exciting place with coral
reefs, Hurricane Sandy damage and a stray chair, sitting under a strong and hardy
A pensive moment in an odd place. |
Finn has gotten really good at catching a nap when he can. |
The invasive, and much hated, lion fish is a tasty treat. Bob speared seven! |
We have been out into the Atlantic twice over the past several weeks. Unplanned trips outside the calm Sea of Abaco result in a bit of a mess if things are not stowed properly! |
Anna has been busy working on her Bandanas
We spent three nice days in Black Sound on a mooring waiting
out some bad weather, peaking out at 34 knots. We
made it through another a few weeks back that reportedly hit 78 knots.
Hopefully we are through with the fronts!
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