Thursday, March 14, 2013

Anna’s Blackpoint Settlement Photo Journal

Me, my mom, and Finn went to the ROCKSIDE  LAUNDRAMAT.  People say it is the best Laundromat in the Bahamas.

Water side

Street side
Here are pictures of the police station. My brother is staring at the police station, which makes the reflection in his glasses.

Here are some shots from around town.
The view down the main street.
A swing made from a boat bumper.

This is the school. It goes through ninth grade. Afterwards they have to go to Nassau.

My Mom is filling up our water jugs at the community spigot.

The world famous Lorraine’s Café.



View from town.

My Mom, Dad, Finn, and I went snorkling, we got a lobster. I did not get a picture of it, but we got these great shots.

I found perfect sand for sand castles.


Funny boy

1 comment:

  1. Great job with the photos, Anna! I wouldn't know if that is the best laundromat in the Bahamas, but I'm willing to bet it has the best view of any Laundromat in the world.

    Uncle Ted & Aunt Car
