After two weeks in St. Augustine, we were anxious to get moving and to get somewhere warm. We travelled for three days almost due south, passing through Daytona and Cocoa Beach and landing in Vero Beach, where the City offers moorings for $14 per day. The temperature warmed considerably over those three days and we have been enjoying warm 70+ degree days since our landing. We are now approaching our US departure point and all those little items on the 'to-do' list that have been put off, suddenly have come to the top. Which all translates to "we expect to be here for a little while." We are shopping with Christmas gift cards and have had our mail forwarded here as we settle in at mooring 54.

We arrived here on Friday and decided the kids did need a little break so we spent Saturday exploring the very cool area around the mooring field with sitings of manatees and dolphins and even an abandoned boat from Maine. On Sunday we hoofed one mile to the beach and had a ball, the water temperature was perfect! I've uploaded all the photos planned for this post on my Facebook page if you want to check it out there.
While underway, the starboard settee turns into a mudroom.
Bob on our sailing trip out of St. Augustine. He was very happy!

The view coming into Daytona, we decided not to stay. A little too busy for us.
The Boston College Women's Crew
So are you going to sail that thing or what!